FAB FAM FUN at Family Fun Day 2019!精彩绝伦的QAIS家庭欢乐日

Summer is here and we kicked it up a gear with the fantastic Family Fun Day. Students, teachers, parents, aunts and even some grannies joined us in a fun-filled day in the sun.
伴随着夏日来临,我们迎来了梦幻般的家庭欢乐日。 学生,老师,父母,阿姨甚至一些老人都在阳光下度过了充满乐趣的一天。

The day started with some fortune telling, from there we tried to keep our balance on the slack line.

Nerves were shot with the NERF-Gun activity. The delicious mocktails in Laoshan Green, Taishan Red, Mengshan Blue and Fushan White was super festive!

And the day was rounded off by the fantastic performances on the QAIS Got Talent Stage.
在QAIS 达人秀的精彩表演中,欢乐家庭日圆满落幕。

Family Fun Day was big FUN! Thank you to all students, teachers, staff, and parents for making last Saturday such a big success.
家庭欢乐日非常有趣! 感谢所有学生,老师,员工和家长的出席,使我们上周六的活动取得巨大的成功!